A Wild Soul Woman Workshop
A dynamic writing workshop with:
Mary Reynolds Thompson and Kate Thompson
SUNDAY APRIL 14th 12.30-4.30pm
.The Mountain Woman Archetype summons you to rise tall under pressure and take your place in the world as a wholly creative and visible presence. She shows us how every action we take, enlarges the story of Self and World.
“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.”—Mary Oliver
Women have often been told it’s okay to be the foothills but never a soaring Long’s Peak. And yet, in these seismic times, the inner Mountain Woman begins to shake and stir. Down in the ache of all the broken and wounded aspects of Self and World, something new is bubbling up.
Here in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains we have the magnificent view of the snow-capped Continental Divide. Your inner Mountain Woman wants to soar to those high horizons.
In this experiential writing workshop you will awaken to your Mountain Woman Self, the part of you that longs to rise up and take your full place and space in the world.
- Are you ready to:
- Birth a creative project?
- Speak your truth?
- Stand in your own power?
Join co-facilitators Mary and Kate to explore through poetry, journal writing, and meditation what Mountain Woman is calling forth in you, right now.. And find a community of support to stand up and speak out for your own values in service of what really matters to you.
This lively session invites whole-hearted participation and requires only a journal and pen. Suitable for all levels of writers. Weather permitting, we will spend some of our time outdoors, so come prepared.
Location: Boulder Main Public Library
Time: Sunday, April 14th 12.30-4.30pm
This event is not sponsored or endorsed by Boulder Public Library. Access to meeting rooms is a service of Boulder Public Library. For more information, please contact: kate@katethompsontherapy.com
Mary Reynolds Thompson, Founder of Live Your Wild Soul Story, is an award-winning author, internationally recognized speaker, and a facilitator of poetry and journal therapy. A pioneer in the spiritual ecology movement, her focus is on the transformative power of landscape archetypes and nature metaphors to reveal our true purpose and right relationship with the planet. Author of The Way of the Wild Soul Woman and Reclaiming the Wild Soul, a 2015 Nautilus Award-winner, Mary’s writings have also appeared in numerous publications and anthologies. She can be reached at: www.maryreynoldsthompson.com
Kate Thompson is an existential therapist and journal therapist working in meaning-based and creative ways with individuals, couples and groups in her extensive private practice based in Boulder, Colorado and the UK. Author of Therapeutic Journal Writing: an Introduction for Professionals, she has co-edited books on therapeutic and expressive writing and published in various volumes. She grew up in Yorkshire, England and now lives in the Rocky Mountains of Boulder Colorado. Landscape has always been an inspiration for her work, her life and her writing.